Because taking care of the Earth isn't just for hippies!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Is God Green?

A television special will be airing on PBS Wednesday, October 11 at 9:00 pm EST.  I won't be able to watch it (we don't get PBS here in Rome), but it sounds very interesting. There is also a lot of information on the PBS website.  Here is a brief introduction:

A new holy war is growing within the conservative evangelical community, with implications for both the global environment and American politics. For years liberal Christians and others have made protection of the environment a moral commitment. Now a number of conservative evangelicals are joining the fight, arguing that man's stewardship of the planet is a biblical imperative and calling for action to stop global warming.

But they are being met head-on by opposition from their traditional evangelical brethren who adamantly support the Bush administration in downplaying the threat of global warming and other environmental perils. The political stakes are high: Three out of every four white evangelical voters chose George W. Bush in 2004. "Is God Green?" explores how a serious split among conservative evangelicals over the environment and global warming could reshape American politics.

Also, a related paper is avaliable on the Acton Institute website regarding the connection between the climate change lobby and population control: From Climate Control to Population Control: Troubling Background on the 'Evangelical Climate Initiative'.

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At 3:56 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

Hey Claire,
I watched the Bill Moyers yesterday online. PBS has the entire program online at:

Save Iceland's Whales!


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