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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Christmas party

Ok, so my plan is to try to post all of these pictures and stories sequentially - starting with the oldest. So here goes....

Before Christmas, me and my friends from Torre di Babele (the language school) had a "Christmas dinner." Most of the people in the group would be returning home just before Christmas, so it was also kind of a goodbye party for a lot. We spent the whole day decorating and cooking food, then people started to arrive around 7 pm. The whole evening turned out really nicely. Our idea was to have an international Christmas party, so we tried to incorporate foods and/or traditions from everyone's home country. I brought green bean casserole (made with genuine American cream of mushroom soup!), Eva (who is German) made apple strudel, Nuno (Portuguese) made a pork and rice dish that was very yummy, Annika (Estonian) brought some cookies and Lingenberry jam (which also doubled as the Swedish food), etc, etc. We also made a sign that said Merry Christmas in everyone's native language. It was quite a fun night!

Here's a picture:

Pildid - ice club jne 135

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